Andrew Speaks
Andrew is an engaging and funny speaker who appeals to men, young and old. He authentically shares his life’s journey and the lessons he’s learned in golf as in life.
For Show and for Dough
Andrew shares how growing up he was fortunate to have a Dad at home whom he saw as a hero. However, as he got older his view of ‘hero changed’ and he had to learn to accept his Dad for who he is.
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He’s also learned in his coaching of young and old men alike that the same struggle pertains for those who did not know their fathers. Many who have met them have simply had to accept that is who they were, or are, in order to move on. Letting go of expectations and the drive to ‘do better than they did’ in favour of being yourself is one of Andrew’s key learnings in this presentation.
If you would like to book Andrew for a Speaking engagement or have questions message us today.
Leading in a woman’s world
As a father of three daughters and husband to
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Whilst there are still too few women at the executive level things are changing at the middle management level. Globally, more women than men graduate University. More women are delaying
If you would like to book Andrew for a Speaking engagement or have questions message us today.
Accepting Dad as he is!
Andrew shares how growing up he was fortunate to have a Dad at home whom he saw as a hero. However, as he got older his view of ‘hero changed’ and he had to learn to accept his Dad for who he is.
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He’s also learned in his coaching of young and old men alike that the same struggle pertains for those who did not know their fathers. Many who have met them have simply had to accept that is who they were, or are, in order to move on. Letting go of expectations and the drive to ‘do better than they did’ in favour of being yourself is one of Andrew’s key learnings in this presentation.
If you would like to book Andrew for a Speaking engagement or have questions message us today.
Handling the big 3:
Divorce, Death & Debt
Learn from Andrew’s own experiences dealing with the pain of divorce, the loss of a childhood companion and hard-fought battles with debt.
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Andrew shares the learnings from his own experiences of the big 3 following his divorce and the difficulty many men face of suddenly becoming a second class citizen to your children as they remain living with Mum; death as he dealt with his emotions concerning the death of his ex-wife whom he’d know from childhood, and Debt, how this impacted his second marriage but through faith and developing new behaviours towards money they were able to get out from underneath.
If you would like to book Andrew for a Speaking engagement or have questions message us today.
82 Cherokeke Road
P.O. Box 908
Turks and Caicos Islands